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Calculating Budget

For Donors

Philanthropy can be highly rewarding

Impactful, rewarding philanthropy is rooted in your core personal values, and the community and societal issues you care most about.


Through highly personalized coaching we can help you and your family develop a Philanthropy Blueprint, a customized and comprehensive plan to guide you or your family’s philanthropic decision-making. It takes into account your capacity to give and how much you wish to or are able to give over time. It is fully connected to your overall wealth management plan and rooted in your deeply seated personal values.


We can also work with you to find and evaluate opportunities, develop partnership/gift agreements with charitable organizations you choose to support and regularly evaluate progress.


Your Philanthropy Blueprint clearly articulates:

Your philanthropic mission – the difference your giving is intended to make.

The goals you wish to achieve as a result over the long term.


The issues of greatest concern where you would like to make a difference.

What steps you should take

to implement your plan effectively.

  • Have a clear view of what difference you want to make through philanthropy over your lifetime and beyond.


  • Feel less reactionary and have more control over your philanthropic agenda.


  • Spend your time more effectively on opportunities that interest you the most.

  • Know that you are fully aligned with family members and/or other people who are important in your life and have a stake in your legacy.


  • Feel much more comfortable saying “no” to opportunities or requests that come your way that do not genuinely align with your interests.


  • More likely to find opportunities that align with your philanthropic purpose and interests.

  • Partner more effectively with charitable organizations you choose to support.

  • Have a clear line of sight to the difference your gifts are making.

  • Look back over the long term with pride at what you have accomplished.

Book 45-minute no-cost initial consultation
to explore if this approach is right for you.


"Peter is a great listener. He wants to fully understand a funder’s objectives in order to craft the right philanthropic investment opportunity. In building out a new initiative with Peter’s support, we appreciated that he heard our desire to draw on a strong evidence base in making design decisions. The end result was better because Peter was involved in the process. Peter is authentic and thoughtful and a joy to work with."


- Family Foundation CEO, Ontario, Canada

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